E19 7 Terminology Relationships Computations Entries Instructions Complete The F

E19-7 (Terminology, Relationships, Computations, Entries)InstructionsComplete the following statements by filling in the blanks.(a) In a period in which a taxable temporary difference reverses, the reversal will cause taxable incometo be _______ (less than, greater than) pretax financial income.(b) If a $76,000 balance in Deferred Tax Asset was computed by use of a 40% rate, the underlyingcumulative temporary difference amounts to $_______.(c) Deferred taxes ________ (are, are not) recorded to account for permanent differences.(d) If a taxable temporary difference originates in 2007, it will cause taxable income for 2007 to be________ (less than, greater than) pretax financial income for 2007.(e) If total tax expense is $50,000 and deferred tax expense is $65,000, then the current portion of theexpense computation is referred to as current tax _______ (expense, benefit) of $_______.(f) If a corporation’s tax return shows taxable income of $100,000 for Year 2 and a tax rate of 40%,how much will appear on the December 31, Year 2, balance sheet for “Income tax payable” if thecompany has made estimated tax payments of $36,500 for Year 2? $________.(g) An increase in the Deferred Tax Liability account on the balance sheet is recorded by a _______(debit, credit) to the Income Tax Expense account.(h) An income statement that reports current tax expense of $82,000 and deferred tax benefit of $23,000will report total income tax expense of $________.(i) A valuation account is needed whenever it is judged to be _______ that a portion of a deferredtax asset _______ (will be, will not be) realized.(j) If the tax return shows total taxes due for the period of $75,000 but the income statement showstotal income tax expense of $55,000, the difference of $20,000 is referred to as deferred tax _______(expense, benefit).