English 2 Find A Credible News Story From The Past 3 Months That Employs One Of

English 2

  1. Find a credible news story from the past 3 months that employs one of the fallacies of emotional argument. Explain which argument is used, how it’s used, and whether it’s effective.

  2. Find a credible news story from the past 3 months that employs one of the fallacies of ethical argument. Explain which argument is used, how it’s used, and whether it’s effective.

  3. Find a credible news story from the past 3 months that employs one of the fallacies of logical argument. Explain which argument is used, how it’s used, and whether it’s effective.

  4. Find an op-ed piece in credible newspaper or website, preferably on a topic on which you disagree, and write a rhetorical analysis.