Examine The Use Of Classification Systems And The Structure Function And Policy Issu 4142639

Topic:Providing treatment for both drug and alcohol issues and mental illness concurrently for people diagnosed (any one population (children, teenager, adult or elderly) group) with dual diagnosis is recommended. Identify the barriers to concurrent treatment and suggested strategies to address this.

You can choose which group of people and which substances and mental illness to investigate.

Learning outcomes that align to this task

LO 1. Examine the use of classification systems and the structure, function and policy issues of psychiatric services

LO 2. Demonstrate knowledge in mental health and illness throughout the lifespan including mental health promotion, determinants of mental illness, clinical manifestations, and psychopathology, this includes eating, personality, and somato form disorders

LO 3. Demonstrate understanding of common therapeutic modalities, including psychopharmacology, group and family therapy

LO 4. Critically discuss the physical, psychological and social manifestations of individuals with a dual disability (intellectual disability and mental illness)



Poster Template: You may use this file to construct your poster, or create your own. Rename it to include your group number when you save.

Your poster should be structured as follows:


  • Start by setting the context and providing relevant background information.


  • The poster needs to be laid out in such a way as to draw the attention of the audience and provide a structured approach to answering the question. Each section of the poster needs to be supported by evidence using and examples from contemporary academic literature, clinical practice guidelines, policy documents and including peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Define/Describe the specific population and issue/s.
  • Review and critically analyse the evidence and ways to address the issue.
  • Document the nurse’s role and nursing interventions
  • Identify from the literature, the consumers’ and carers’perspectives, and lived experience research relating to the topic
  • Consider current/future mental health nursing practice and research implications

Conclusion: A summary of your appraisal

  • Make recommendations for future directions

All posters must align to academic standards:

  • use of the third person, unless specifically indicated otherwise;
  • APA 6th edition for in-text citations and reference list (Note: References can either be in-text in APA; OR you may put the references on the poster in a notation style, however if this option is chosen, a reference list still needs to appear on the poster somewhere);
  • adherence to the word count;
  • use of a legible font: either Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri
  • Minimum 10-15 references (between 2010-2019) not older than 10 years.

