Fair Treatment That Improve Employee Engagement May Also Reduce The Likelihood O

Is A Labor Union Needed At Tesla Motors?

We learn in chapter 13 that a labor union is voted in by employees who believe they need formal representation. These timely pieces from Forbes Magazine Link and The Wall Street Journal Tesla Faces Labor Discord as It Ramps Up Model 3 Production – WSJ.pdf describe current events happening at the company. Click on each of the links here to view/read the details.

Next, develop responses to the questions below, and be sure to answer both of the following questions:

  1. Based on your knowledge about unions from our chapter this week, does a labor union’s mission match with that of the needs of Tesla employees? 
  2. Assume that you are a line manager at the Tesla production facility, and you know that your employees are discussing the pros and cons of joining a labor union. What would you say to them?
  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2
  • Attachment 3
  • Attachment 4
  • Attachment 5

fair treatment ) that improve employee engagement may also reduce the likelihoodof being unionizedWhat Do Unions Want ?"BASEWe can generalize by saying that unions have two sets of aims , one for unionsecurity and one for Improved wages , hours , working conditions , anIs , and benefits fortheir members_closed shopUnion Security First and probably foremost , unions seek to establish security forA form of union security in whichthemselves . They fight hard for the right to represent a firm’s workers and to be the_ the company can hire only unionexclusive bargaining agent for all employees in the unit . ( As such , they negotiate_members . This was outlawed in`contracts for all employees , including those who are not members of the union . ]_1947 for interstate commerce , but*Five types of union security are possible ."_still exists in some industries ( such`_ as printing ) .*1 . Closed shop .!’ The company can hire only current union members . Congress*union shopoutlawed closed shops in interstate commerce in 1947 , but they still exist in`A form of union security in whichsome states for particular industries ( such as printing ) . They account for lessThe company can hire nonunion*than 5% of union contracts .`people but they must join theunion after a prescribed period of2. Union shop . The company can hire nonunion people , but they must join thetime and pay dues . ( If they do not .union after a prescribed period and pay dues . ( If not , they can be fired . ) Thisthey can be fired )*category accounts for about 73% of union contracts . Unions and employers*agency shopalso tend to negotiate versions of the union shop – for instance , letting older*A form of union security in whichworkers quit the union when the contract ends ._employees who do not belong*3. Agency shop. Employees who do not belong to the union still must pay The_to the union must still pay unionUnion an amount equal to union dues ( on the assumption that the union’sdues on the assumption that unionefforts benefit all the workers ) . "*efforts benefit all workers .*4 . Preferential shop. Union members get preference In hiring , but the employerpreferential shopcan still hire nonunion members .Union members get preference in*5 . Maintenance of membership arrangement . Employees do not have to belonghiring , but the employer can stillto the union . However , union members employed by the firm must maintain*hire nonunion members .membership in the union for the contract period . These account for about*maintenance of membership4% Of union agreements .`arrangement*Employees do not have to belongNot all states give unions the right to require union membership as a conditionto the union. However , union mem -of employment . Right to work " is a term used to describe state statutory or con -ber’s employed by the firm must*stitutional provisions banning the requirement of union membership as a conditionmaintain membership in the unionof employment . "" Section 141 b ) of the Taft-Hartley Act ( an early labor relationsfor the contract period.act that we’ll discuss later ) permits states to forbid the negotiation of compulsory*right to workThe public policy in a number ofunion membership provisions , not just for firms engaged in interstate commerce*states that prohibits union securitybut also for those in intrastate commerce . Right- to- work laws don’t outlaw unions .`of any kindThey do outlaw ( within those states ) any form of "illion security . This understandably inhibits union formation in those states . Recently , there were 23 {23 right- to- work