Find Optimal Solution Using Excel Solver Give Me Step By Step Photos And The Fin

FIND OPTIMAL SOLUTION USING EXCEL SOLVER. Give me step by step photos and the final file!

Here are the variables.

Let X1 be the number of Front components to manufacture

Let X2 be the number of Seat/Frame components to manufacture.

Let X3 be the number of Rear Wheels to manufacture

Let X4 be the number of Front components to purchase.

Let X5 be the number of Seat/Frame components to purchase.

Let X6 be the number of Rear Wheels to purchase.

Min C = 8X1+6X2+1X3+12X4+9X5+3X6

3X1+4X2+.5X3 ≤ 50,000

10X1+6X2+2X3 ≤ 160,000

2X1+2X2+.1X3 ≤ 30,000

X1+X4 ≥ 12000

X2+X5 ≥ 12000

X3+X6 ≥ 24000

X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 ≥ 0