First Review Mla Or Apa Depending On Your Discipline In Text Citation Guidelines

First, review MLA or APA (depending on your discipline) in-text citation guidelines at the OWL at Purdue.  For this assignment, you are going to demonstrate knowledge of how to use in-text citations in an annotated bibliography.  PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU MUST BE ABLE TO CITE CORRECTLY and that you will probably have to study these guidelines in order to understand correct citations.

– An annotated bibliography is a genre of writing that scholars turn to when they are beginning to learn about a subject.  Its purpose is to provide a synopsis of the written conversations that are happening about a given topic and to provide the bibliographic information on those conversations.  Writing annotated bibliographies is a useful practice for researchers because it enables them to see where texts overlap, how they “speak” to one another, and where there are spaces for a writer to insert his or her own arguments. 

– Your task in this assignment is to write a very short annotated bibliography with two of your sources.  Ultimately, you will have to use five sources in Writing Project 3, but for today you only need two.  For each source you must:

1、Summarize the work.  Remember, to summarize a text you must READ the entire article.  If your source is a book, you should read only those chapters that are relevant for your topic.  Your purpose is to provide an overview of what the work is about.  Your summary should be 2-3 sentences.  Your summary should be labeled as such (a paragraph that begins “Summary:”). 

2、Within the summary, you should paraphrase a specific portion of the work that seems particularly important (1 or 2 sentences).  Be sure to think carefully about what and why you paraphrase and consider how much you paraphrase.  Underline the paraphrased portion and label it with [P] at the beginning of the sentence(s).

3、Include a direct quotation that would highlight a particularly important point.  Underline your direct quotation and label it with [Q] at the beginning of the sentence or quote.

4、Explicitly state: who is the intended audience of the work?  Academic reader, general reader, children, etc.?  This can go anywhere in the annotation.

5、Comparison:  After the summary paragraph, include another paragraph that compares this source to others you have read.  Does it support the other works’ claims?  How?  Does it differ from other works’ claims?  How?  This paragraph should be labeled “Comparison.”