For This Assignment You Will Design A Basic Human Resources Database For A Ficti

For this assignment, you will design a basic human resources database for a fictional software company.


You are a freelance database designer who has just been contacted by a small software development company named Altair Software. The president of the company has asked you to create a database that will house employee information. The company currently has eight employees and comprises one president, two vice presidents, three programmers, and two sales representatives. The company wants you to create a scalable database that will grow as the company grows. They want to store the following information within the database:

  Information Required Maximum Value   Employee ID 6 integers   Employee Last Name 30 characters   Employee First Name 30 characters   Street Address 60 characters   City 30 characters   State 2 characters   ZIP Code 5 integers   Department 30 characters   Manager 60 characters   Position 30 characters   Salary 8 integers    

The president of the company has given you a document that contains all of the above information for each employee. Click here to view the document having employee information.


You need to create and submit spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel that accomplish the following:

  1. Display a database table in first normal form that will store all of the information listed above. Identify a field or fields to act as the primary key by bolding that field name. Enter all of the provided information into the table in the spreadsheet. Save your spreadsheet as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname_FirstNormalForm.xls. 
  2. Decompose the table you created in Step 1 to second normal form. Place each table in its own sheet within the spreadsheet. Identify a field or fields to act as the primary key in each table by bolding that field name. You may insert a new field to act as the primary key if you feel it is warranted. Enter all of the provided information into the appropriate table in the spreadsheet. Save your spreadsheet as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname_SecondNormalForm.xls. 
  3. Decompose the table or tables you created in Step 2 to third normal form. Place each table in its own sheet within the spreadsheet. Identify a field or fields to act as the primary key in each table by bolding that field name. You may insert a new field to act as the primary key if you feel it is warranted. Enter all of the provided information into the appropriate table in the spreadsheet. Save your spreadsheet as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname_ThirdNormalForm.xls. 

In addition, in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document, you need to:

  • Share your planning strategy to complete the database.
  • Create an entity-relationship diagram from the tables that you designed above using crow’s foot notation. Be sure to note the cardinality and modality for each relationship.
  • Explain why you selected the links between each of the database tables.