Frank Has Been Happily Employed As A Paralegal In A Successful Attorneys Office For 2841186

Frank has been happily employed as a paralegal in a successful attorneys? office for the last four years. He manages the office of some five other paralegals, all of whom work well together. Because business has been growing rapidly, one of the attorneys hired an additional paralegal. Reno, the new employee and a recent college graduate, and Frank have not been hitting it off well, which has been causing serious problems within the office. After four months of on-going conflict between Frank and Reno, which has affected the business adversely, their individual bosses have called them into their offices to find out what the problem between them is. As Frank sat in his boss?s office, he said, “I just can?t work with him. I don?t know what it is exactly, but he really grates on my nerves. For instance, the other day, I asked him to stay a few minutes after work to come to our employees? meeting and he said it wasn?t possible—he had to go home. He works here, so, like everyone else, he should come to the meetings.” Linda, Frank?s boss, responded, “I understand that you wanted him to come to the meeting, but this problem has been going on for awhile, for at least four months that I know about. What is going on?” “Reno is like a loose cannon,” Frank said, “he reacts to any suggestion I make. When I ask him to do something or tell him how we do things here, he explodes. Why can?t he just listen and do what I tell him? I?m the office manager!” Frank proclaimed. Linda thought for a moment, then quietly said, “Have you tried to talk with him, one-on-one, about how you?re feeling? Maybe if you set up a time to talk with him and tell him exactly what you want him to do…. Document Preview:

CM310-Communication and Conflict Unit 2: Perspectives on Conflict Deborah Davis, Ph.D. “Half Empty/Half Full” Frank has been happily employed as a paralegal in a successful attorneys? office for the last four years. He manages the office of some five other paralegals, all of whom work well together. Because business has been growing rapidly, one of the attorneys hired an additional paralegal. Reno, the new employee and a recent college graduate, and Frank have not been hitting it off well, which has been causing serious problems within the office. After four months of on-going conflict between Frank and Reno, which has affected the business adversely, their individual bosses have called them into their offices to find out what the problem between them is. As Frank sat in his boss?s office, he said, “I just can?t work with him. I don?t know what it is exactly, but he really grates on my nerves. For instance, the other day, I asked him to stay a few minutes after work to come to our employees? meeting and he said it wasn?t possible—he had to go home. He works here, so, like everyone else, he should come to the meetings.” Linda, Frank?s boss, responded, “I understand that you wanted him to come to the meeting, but this problem has been going on for awhile, for at least four months that I know about. What is going on?” “Reno is like a loose cannon,” Frank said, “he reacts to any suggestion I make. When I ask him to do something or tell him how we do things here, he explodes. Why can?t he just listen and do what I tell him? I?m the office manager!” Frank proclaimed. Linda thought for a moment, then quietly said, “Have you tried to talk with him, one-on-one, about how you?re feeling? Maybe if you set up a time to talk with him and tell him exactly what you want him to do….”“Talk with him!” Frank interrupted. “No, I can?t talk with him; he seems so hostile toward me and everyone else in the office. If I tried to talk with him…

