From Chapter 12 Answer The Following Questions 1 2 3 4 And 24 Describe Each Of T

From Chapter 12, answer the following questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 24.

Describe each of the following:



From Chapter 13, answer the following questions: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 21.


12.1 define reliability what are its major characteristics ?

12.2 why is reliability important in the system design ? when in the life cycle process must it be considered ? to what extent reliability be emphasized in system design , what are some of the factors that govern this ?

12.3 what are the quantitative measures of reliability ?( discuss measures for software , hard ware , personnel , facilities and data ?

12.4 how would you define the overall failure rate of system ? what should be included or excluded why ?

12.24 describe the some of the advantages of reliability sequential testing , identify some of the dis advantages. What is meant by life testing , accelerated testing ?


13.1 define maintainability ? how does it differ from the maintenance ? provide some examples ?

13.2 why is maintainability important in the system design ? when in the life cycle process should it be considered why ?

13.3 what are the quantitative measures of maintainability ? ( discuss the measures for software , hardware , personnel , facilities and logistical support ?

13.4 what is significant difference between the MTBF and MTBM ? between MTBF and MTBR ? and between MTBR and MTBM ? 

13.21 how are FMECA and RCM analysis related ?