Gilberto Fine Painting Inc An S Corporation Has 20 000 In Accumulated Earnings A
Gilberto Fine Painting, Inc., an S corporation, has $20,000 in accumulated earnings and profits from the years it was a C corporation (before 2018). Its gross receipts for 2018 were $250,000, and its gross receipts for 2019 were $300,000. It expects its gross receipts for 2020 to be $350,000. In 2018, it received $20,000 in dividends, $35,000 in interest, and $10,000 in royalties. In 2019, it received $20,000 in dividends, $35,000 in interest, and $26,000 in royalties. In 2020 it expects to receive $20,000 in dividends, $35,000 in interest, $10,000 in royalties, and $26,000 in rents. Does it have to worry about losing its S status? If so, explain why and what can be done to avoid loss of that status.