Gm570 Lsi Conflict Paper As You Review The Lsi Conflict Self Development Guide W

GM570 LSI Conflict PaperAs you review the LSI Conflict Self-Development Guide, we are reminded of how pervasive conflict is in our every day lives. No one is immune from conflict. Yet how conflict affects each of us is determined by both the situation and how we cope; conflict can be both a help and a hindrance: it can lead us to more creative and productive relationships or it can destroy our relationships. Whether conflict impacts us positively or negatively depends in large measure on how constructively we deal with it. To this end, the LSI Conflict exercise is a tool designed to help you learn to deal more constructively with the conflict situations in your life. More specifically, the instrument and self-development guide will help you identify and understand how your thinking patterns and coping behavior influence your ability to deal with conflict situations. In addition, you’ll discover how your thoughts and behaviors help or block constructive conflict solutions and learn how to approach conflict situations more effectively. The paper should not exceed six (6) pages in length, excluding the LSI Circumplex that should be attached to the paper. (120 points total)Your assignment is to complete the Life Styles Conflict Inventory by addressing the following points:Describe your personal conflict styles. Focus on your dominant and weakest styles (Include a copy of your Circumplex