Go To Each One Of The Links Below And Exam How Each One Defines Perception Marxi

Go to each one of the links below and exam how each one defines perception:

www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/helmholt.htm (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.

(Selections from “The Facts of Perception” by Hermann Helmholtz,1878, on the meaning of perception).

www.yorku.ca/eye/thejoy.htm (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.

(“The Joy of Visual Perception: A Web-book,” links to a variety of phenomena in visual perception. Maintained by Peter Kaiser).

Based on your interactions and reading, answer these questions:

  1. How is perception defined? Are there several definitions? If so, then list all the definitions you have found and give an example of each one.
  2. How does perception influence our world and our daily interactions with one another? Give at least two examples of this.
  3. In your opinion is the phrase, “Perception is reality” a truth or fallacy? Why or why not?
  4. As you complete the exercises and visit the websites, do you find that your own definition and personal perception have changed? Why or why not?

Make sure to review the grading rubric below. You must notate the total TIME ON TASK for your title page, or points will be deducted for the missing time.

Submit completed Assignment.

Be thorough and provide additional research citing real-world examples.

I need in text citations and references here is the grading rubric



1. Addressed all four questions.


. Thoroughly

    addressed the question with a relevant


60 points (15 points per question)

2. Format

Submitted assignment as a Word or Rich     Text document.

20 points

3. Spelling, Grammar, Citation – Please write complete sentences. Check your grammar and   spelling. 

  • You must notate the total TIME ON TASK for the assignment, or points will be deducted for the missing time.

20 points

Assignment total:

100 points