Group Assignment For Lesson 5 Consumerization Of Technology Cot At Ifg Case Stud

Group Assignment for Lesson 5: Consumerization of Technology (COT) at IFG Case Study Information (Possible Points 36)

Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.

Read the Lesson 5 Consumerization of Technology at IFG3 Case Study on pages 239 through page 242 in the IT Strategy: Issues and Practices textbook.

  1. Click on the Group Case Study Assignments link above to work with your group.
  2. Click on the link for the case study.
  3. Discuss the case study with your group members.
  4. Work with the group to write a 2-4 page paper

Answer the Questions Below

  1. Describe the problem at IFG as succinctly as you can. Use this description to identify the main stakeholders.
  2. IFG can’t afford the resources to identify, define, cleanse, and validate all of its data. On the other hand, building yet another data mart to address a specific problem worsens the data situation. Propose a solution that will enable IFG to leverage a key business problem/opportunity using their BI tools that does not aggravate their existing data predicament.

Use the IT 630 textbook as a reference and two references from the UC Library Resources. Add the citations to match the references. Follow APA Guidelines to document the references. Check out the Basics of APA Style Tutorial to help you with citations and references.

Additional Document Formatting Requirements

  1. Save the document using the file naming convention below.
    1. FName_LastName_Your_Group#_Case_Study_Name
    2. Example Using the Naming Convention:ane_Doe_Group1_COT_at_IFG3_Case_Study
  2. Save the case study in a location that is easy for you to find and submit later.
  3. Spacing Requirements: The document should be double-spaced.
  4. Margin Requirements: Use 1-inch Margins
  5. Font Requirements: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman Microsoft Word
  6. Font Size Requirements: 12 Point
  7. Document Background: White
  8. Do not insert images in the document.

An effective analysis would first highlight each of these issues and then propose a plan for how IFG might proceed to address them. Rather than addressing them randomly, students should look for the logical order among these issues. The best solutions would reflect a natural order.

  1. IFG needs to expand its social media presence with mobile apps and other ways to reach its customers and develop a direct relationship with them to compete with GPL.
  2. It needs to find ways to be faster to market with innovative apps while still protecting core company data.   
  3. IFG has a data mess with different and often conflicting definitions of data embedded in its core systems. Core data needs to be better defined and streamlined so it can be more effectively used.
  4. Information management has to be improved at IFG to prepare for the data tsunami. This needs to involve both business and IT and the many different new types of data that are out there – traditional, social, unstructured and external data.
  5. IFG needs practices and policies about what its employees are allowed to do with their own technology – especially relating to privacy and security.
  6. IFG’s architecture group needs to establish information, connectivity and contractual processes and standards for any user-purchased applications. These must be flexible but to address the key concerns of legal and security advisors, while enabling the data produced to be more broadly used in the organization.
  7. IT needs to introduce collaborative business-IT practices in each business unit to address business needs for flexibility and the enterprise needs for control and protection.
  8. Then, IT needs to develop proactive practices to integrate individual business unit demands and experiences into a coherent visionary technical and information strategy that can be continuously adapted as needs and technologies change.
  9. The data warehouse and the tools for using it need to be revisited and possibly redesigned in light of new data management practices and data needs.
  10. IT needs to identify the new information management, and presentation skills and new development skills and IT must develop a plan for acquiring them.