Headward Erosion Check And Double Click Placemark Problem Ta In The N Stream L

Hi, could I get these answered please?

Headward ErosionCheck and double – click placemark Problem ta in the N . Stream Landscapes worksherefolder In this view from Grand View Point in Canyonlands National Park , three stream branchesthe middle one is labeled with the placemark are experiencing head ward erosion . Headwarderosion allows streams to lengthen in the upstream direction(3 ) As seen from this viewpoint , in which direction ( right for lefty are the streams lengthening ?Wright ( westleft ( east( b ) Check and double – click placemark Problem TO . In which direction are the streamsexperiencing heedward erosion ?LINENowNWISEStream Patterns2 . Streams can develop a variety of patterns depending on the rock type and structure thatunderlies them . See your textbook for diagrams of stream patternsa ) What Is the stream pattern exhibited at placemark Problem ZapI trellis streams meet at right angles )rectangular ( streams have right-angle bands )I radial streams radiate from a central high point )I dendritic ( streams resemble veins in a leadD ) Check and double click the folder Problem 26 . What is the overall general stream patternexhibited at this location with tributaries flowing In to the main trunk stream ( see blue times ) ?I trellis streams meet at right angles )[parallel streams are approximately parallel to each other )Iradial streams radiate from a central high point )dendritic streams resemble veins in a leaf