Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Article On Strategic Business It Need

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Strategic Business. It needs to be at least 2750 words. According to the official website of Red Cross, the history of Red Cross is very interesting and it dates back to 1859, when a Swiss Banker, Henry Dunant whilst travelling in northern Italy came across the aftermath of the battle of Solferino. The huge disaster encouraged him to found a nonprofit organization in 1863 with the name International Committee of the Red Cross and after about 140 years, more than 186 National Red Cross societies were present all around the world.

In Australia, Red Cross was established in 1914 by Lady Munro Ferguson after nine days of First World War. Australian Red Cross office is located in Melbourne and it is offering services in more than 60 communities there. The different kinds of community services provided by Australia Red Cross include the disaster services, refugee services, first aid and health services and blood services.

Australian Red Cross Shops have been established by Red Cross organization and they are offering stock of big fashion at very reasonable and small budget. More than 35 shops are operating in the state (Red Cross n.d.). Australian Red Cross Shops are offering a variety of products including new and pre-loved clothing, medical equipment, baby products, baby kits, electric homeware, car seat etc. The Red Cross Shops are staffed by the volunteers and the income generated from shops is a source of fund for Red Cross.

The political factors directly impact the operations of the organizations in Australia. For example, on 2 May 2010, the Federal Government of Australia declared the agenda for future tax system of Australia and this announcement affected all companies, small businesses and nonprofit organizations (Third Sector Magazine 2010). The review specially focuses on not-for-profit organizations which according to the review face inconsistent state and federal regulations in Australia.