Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Cognitive Final It Needs To
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Cognitive Final. It needs to be at least 2250 words.
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The decision making process is strongly influenced by an individual’s language and the way he actually executes the idea on the basis of prior knowledge. Language is a comprehensive cognitive process which extensively entails attention, response and awareness about information (Anderson, 2010). It also involves other factors such as mental representations on the basis of spoken words, storage of memory and its timely retrieval. All of these factors are essential for problem solving ability of humans while reasoning and decision making is also done on the basis of effective language utilization (Anderson, 2010). Consider a manager who needs to hire few employees. As per the hiring process he would initially use his knowledge and past experience whereas he would ultimately assist the individual candidate depending upon his intuition and language skills. This paper aims to critically analyze language as an exemplar of cognitive psychological concepts since it integrates majority of the psychological theories. The primary discussion would be based upon the Anderson’s Cognitive Psychology and its Implications. The unit material and class discussions would be used to evaluate the participation of language while identifying its partial or comprehensive role in Cognitive Psychology. …
Moreover, cognitive functions and cognition as a whole is produced by an advanced computation modeling and neuropsychological process. It further includes electrophysiology, neuroimaging and environmental analysis of patients (Anderson, 2010). Banich and Compton have thoroughly discussed the role of language in ‘Cognitive Psychology’. For instance, the left hemisphere of brain is exclusively responsible for language processing and therefore the organization of spoken words is different among right-handers and left-handers. Although the left hemisphere is responsible for the speech patterns of left-handers but they are also able to produce speech from a combination of right hemisphere and left hemisphere. However, this particular characteristic is hardly observed in right-handers (Compton &. Banich, 2011). Organization of language in the neural context can be further understood by analyzing brain-damaged patients. For example, cortex in the left hemisphere has found to identify sound images of spoken words while processing language. On the other hand, cortex is also crucial for speech production (Compton &. Banich, 2011). The clarity of speech, use of complete sentences and the perception of spoken words are very important in order to transfer the accurate message. All these factors are predominantly controlled by anterior and posterior cortex and the sub-cortical and cortical regions of the left hemisphere. Hence it can be said that brain processes language by a mutual coordination of different parts in the left hemisphere.