Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Going To The Movies A Uses A

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Going to the movies: a uses and gratifications perspective. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Thus, the uses and gratification of cinema going turned out to be numerous. Firstly, cinema serves as a great mood regulator as people aim to feel emotions which they cannot achieve in real life. As cinema allows being absorbed by the movie almost entirely, the viewer can flow forgetting about himself and the environment. It helps to get rid of burden of daily life with its troubles and worries. Secondly, cinema apart from its first hedonistic function remains an influential source of new ideas, inspirational thoughts and images, and insights. It helps forming positive morals and reconsidering existing values. Thirdly, it was also revealed that people go to the cinema in order to share common social experience, thus sense of belonging to a group serves as a driving force. Therefore, it is possible to admit that cinema going underpins uses and gratifications theory to the full extent.

Uses and gratifications theory was elaborated in attempt to understand how people choose particular media in order to meet their expectation and satisfy their needs. It is a social theory of mass communication which explores the role of auditory in the content choice and consumption. Apologists of this theory consider that individual psychological peculiarities of the media consumers define the influence of media to the same extent as the media itself. McQuail formulated five major functions of media: educational or informative, socio-involving (identifying with a character), entertaining, socially interactive, and relaxing (escaping from daily stresses) (2010).

When a person goes to the multiplex and gets lost in a film, his mind starts working in extraordinary way. Since he is absorbed by motion picture and does not want to do anything about it, his mind closes down its frameworks for activities. A person disregards his surroundings and even his own body. Since he is not going to