Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On The Hunger Game It Needs To

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The hunger game. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

Despite the simplicity of the premise, Suzanne Collins, the author, is able to create successfully a nuanced, savage world, which is able to engross the reader

Tan, Susan. “Of Bread, Blood, and&nbsp.The Hunger Games:&nbsp.Critical Essays on the Suzanne Collins Trilogy&nbsp.ed. by Mary F. Pharr and Leisa A. Clark (review).”&nbsp.The Lion and the Unicorn&nbsp.37.1 (2013): 102-105. Print.

In the book, “The hunger games” is both blistered and a high tempo read which does not let go Even with the early chapters being slow, and appearing amateurish (Tan 102), the author has been able to make the story go into override when the games begin. A description of the world of arena, which is an environment which is gigantic forested, is given in lush details, but it does not feel overdone. The characters of Collins are serviceable in their roles, even though they are somewhat stereotypical for the genre. Despite “The hunger games” which is a novel that is a riveting action, it also plays a role of biting satire of the media. Collins mocks the appetite of modern audiences for the “reality shows” in ways that many younger viewers will not be able to appreciate. The contestants of the games are to present themselves in ways that they can be able to attract sponsors since the games were aired on national television. Haymitch Abernathy says, “Its a television show, and being in love with that boy might just get you sponsors which could save your damn life.” The sponsors were for air dropping some supplies that were needed inside the arena like medicine, food among others. In my recollection, I wonder doubt whether the novel is a form of irony since it is filled with audience appealing elements like children in peril, girl-against-the-odds storytelling, even as it satirizes them at the same time.

According to the source, various concerns have been put up about the violence in the book, but in my view, the complaints are not