Identify Some Of The Key Challenges For Recruiting The Workforce For This Organisati 3067696

Task Description Due Date: Week 12, Monday 29 May 2017, 5pm Length: 2000 words ± 10% (excluding title page and reference list) Weighting: 45% Reference Style: APA Style Document type: MS Word document (doc and docx only). Description: Select an organisation or industry as the case study for your report. Identify some of the key challenges for recruiting the workforce for this organisation/industry, and recommend strategies to address these challenges. Your report should make reference to factors such as labour supply/demand, organisational image, demographic issues (such as an ageing workforce, generations, diversity etc), as well as recruitment strategies such as employer branding and types of advertising. Please see the Moodle site for more details. Assessment Due Date Week 12 Monday (29-May-2017) 05:00 PM AEST Return Date to Students Assignments will be returned after the marking and moderation processes are completed. Weighting 45% Assessment Criteria Your report will be assessed on the extent to which it meets each of the following criteria: • Research and use of critical academic resources (10 Marks) • Analysis of the case and response to questions/task (15 Marks) • Integration of research with the case (10 Marks) • Presentation: referencing, organisation, structure, communication (10 Marks) Penalty for late submission without approval if applicable [(-5%× 45)/day = -2.25 marks/day] Important: Plagiarism will result in a “zero” score and will be reported to the Academic Services Centre of the University. Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA) Submission Online Through Moodle site Learning Outcomes Assessed This section can be expanded to view the assessed learning outcomes Graduate Attributes This section can be expanded to view the assessed graduate attributes

