Identify Who Has Done The Research And Why The Research Was Undertaken 2633503

Assessment 1: Critical Review #1 ASSESSMENT COMPONENT MARKS AWARDED Identify who has done the research and why the research was undertaken Student does not attempt to identify who has done the research and why the research was undertaken. Student either does not correctly identify who has done the research, or, does not identify why the research was undertaken. Student correctly identifies who has done the research and why the research was undertaken, however, the response is broad and lacking detail or unclear in parts. Student correctly identifies who has done the research and provides a clear and detailed account of why the research was undertaken. /3 0 marks 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks Identify the research question and aims, and provide a summary of the qualitative method Student does not attempt to identify the research question and aims, and does not provide a summary of the qualitative method. One or two parts of the assessment component (i.e. identification of research question, identification of aims, and summary of qualitative method) are missing from the response. Student identifies the research question and aims, and provides a summary of the qualitative method. However, information presented is not always clear or needs further explanation. Student identifies the research question and aims and provides a brief summary of the qualitative method. There is, however, minor room for more detail or clarity in parts. Student identifies the research question and aims in a coherent and succinct manner, and provides a clear and detailed summary of the qualitative method. /7 0 marks 1-2marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7 marks Evaluation Student does not provide a clear or insightful evaluation of the research. The response does not utilise key evaluation criteria covered in the unit including measures of success and research limitations. Student attempts to provide an evaluation of the research. The response utilises one or two key evaluation criteria covered in the unit relating to achievement of research aims, relevance of method, and research limitations. May be a mostly descriptive answer. Student provides an adequate evaluation of the research. The response utilises three or four of the key evaluation criteria covered in the unit relating to achievement of research aims, relevance of method, and research limitations. Makes an effort to develop an argument, however, further evaluation is needed. Student provides a detailed evaluation of the research. The response utilises several key evaluation criteria covered in the unit relating to achievement of research aims, relevance of method, and research limitations. There is, however, room for improvement. Student provides a detailed evaluation of the research that is clear and insightful. The response utilises all or most key evaluation criteria covered in the unit relating to achievement of research aims, relevance of method, and research limitations. /10 0-1 marks 2-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8 marks 9-10 marks Writing style: Readability including English expression, spelling, grammar (sentence structures) and proper paragraph structures Unacceptable level of written expression including frequent spelling and grammatical errors. Meaning is unclear. Disorganised or incoherent structure. Adequate written expression. Perhaps some problems with English, including grammar and spelling but intended meaning is reasonably clear. Adequate structure of ideas. Good expression – mainly correct grammar and spelling and reasonably concise. Good structure but room for improvement in systematic organisation of ideas. Very good expression – few problems but perhaps places where expression could have been clearer. Very good organisation of material. Perhaps some room for improvement in linking ideas. Outstanding written expression – clear & concise and accurate grammar & spelling etc. Outstanding organisation including clear logical flow. /5 0 marks 1-1.5 marks 2-2.5 marks 3-3.5 marks 4-5 marks Use of academic literature Little evidence of having read background sources. Used up to 2 well chosen academic sources. Used 3 to 4 well chosen academic sources. Used 5 well chosen academic sources. /3 0 marks 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks Referencing and citations: Correct referencing and citing in the Harvard format Unsatisfactory standard of referencing including quotes without citation, missing references or poor referencing. Inadequate reference list. Satisfactory referencing. Some problems. Maybe too many quotes or difficulty with secondary citations Good referencing. Perhaps some errors in secondary citations or some other aspect of in-text referencing. High standard of referencing, but a couple of errors. Faultless or near-faultless in-text referencing and reference list. /2 0 marks 0.5 mark 1 mark 1.5 marks 2 marks DEDUCTIONS Exceeding the word limit TOTAL MARK / 30 Late submission without approved extension

