Improving Productivity And Profitability In Wool And Meat Sheep Enterprises 3193537

Improving Productivity and Profitability in Wool and Meat Sheep Enterprises Productivity and profitability of a sheep enterprise is driven by many factors including genetics, management and environment. Improved efficiency of production can be gained by producing high value product and improving feed efficiency. Producers are constantly looking for ways to improve productivity of livestock. In this assessment you will be finding and reporting information on ways in which improved productivity and product quality can be achieved through breeding and genetics. A number of resources are provided to help you successfully complete this assessment.
Questions will be marked separately so there is no rubric for this assessment.
1. Breedine Objectives: a. Define the term ‘breeding objective’ (2 marks) b. What is the role of breeding objectives in a sheep breeding enterprise, (4 marks) c. Breeding objectives will differ between an enterprise focused on quality wool production and an enterprise producing prime lambs. Identify, define and explain the importance of 4 breeding objectives (for each) that are highly relevant to:
i. Breeding for prime lamb production ii. Breeding for quality wool. (16 marks) The importance of the selected breeding objectives must include market relevance of the objective and be supported by relevant market information. 2. Visual Appraisal vs Genetics:
(10 marks)
Traditionally breeding stock (male and female) were selected using visual appraisal or inspection of animals on farm or at sales. Discuss the role and relevance of these approaches to selecting breeding stock in current production systems. 3. Using Breeding Values for Selecting Genetics Successful breeding programs require identification of traits that are beneficial to the enterprise and that are heritable. Databases have been built up over years to provide producers with the right genetics for the enterprise breeding objectives. a. Define the term ‘ASBV’ (2 marks) b. How is an ASBV described? (5 marks) c. Identify and define 5 ASBV’s applicable to meat and wool enterprises. (5 marks) d. What is the difference between an ASBV and an Index? Use examples. (5 marks) e. Select and explain 1 index that is relevant to sheep meat production (4 marks) P. Select and explain 1 index that is relevant to sheep wool production (4 marks)
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