In The Absence Of Substantial Innovation The Financial Performance Of Firms Declines 2812727

Please read carefully: Assignment Question

  1. Part 1: The Written submission (10 marks)‘The performance frontier: innovating for a sustainable strategy’an HBR articleasserts that“In the absence of substantial innovation, the financial performance of firms declines as their environmental, social, and governance(ESG) performance improves. To simultaneously improve both kindsof performance, they need to invent new products, processes, andbusiness models”. Use peer reviewed academic literature to comment on above assertion and use Rio Tinto’s 2015 and 2018sustainabilityreports to conclude the aboveby critically evaluating its environmental, social disclosures (Max. 2,000 words including introduction, conclusion and references).

Hint: You cannot simply repeat the information given in above resources. You must conclude the link between financial, social and environmental performance, and innovationbased onsubstantial extended personal research and self-directed learning. Please explain your perspective fully. You are required to use quality peer-reviewed research to support your arguments and conclusion. You can also use some reputed financial media such as Australian Financial Review, The conversation, The Age etc. or websites of the professional accounting bodies (do not use random websites or Wikipedia). There is no need to use annual reports of the selected companies.
Part 2- The presentation (10 marks): You are required to submit a video presentation of 5-6 minutes duration based on part 1 of this assignment. This is an opportunity to talk about the main points in your written assignment above and will assist you in enhancing your communication and presentation skills. Groups using voice over or narrated power point shall receive only minimum marks in presentation style and quality criterion. All the group members must participate in the presentation (It is not enough that one person is presenting and others are just standing in the background). We will not mark any content beyond 6 minutes. Any video exceeding 6 minutes shall not qualify for selection of “Perfect video” purposes. Sample videos are available on Moodle site.
The students who are willing to get their video considered for “perfect video” must provide a statement on the cover page that “We are happy to let the unit use our video for educational purposes in this term or coming terms and permit its use on the moodle if your video is selected for uploading. No separate permissions to upload video will be requested.” Agreed by
Names of the students ……….
Here are some links to different types of technologies that you can use:

  1. Camtasia -
  2. Voice thread -
  3. Youtube -
  4. You are free to use any other source of video creation provided the marker is able to view your presentation.

Submission instructions:
1. The cover page is a separate document for both the assignments. You Must NOT submit assignment and cover page as a combined word file.
2. Submit your file in word format. Do not use pdf format to submit your document.
3. Only one student in the group needs to submit the cover page and the actual assignment. Individual members of the group do not need to submit anything at all.
4. Your cover page (Download from moodle site) must include the link to Video assignment.
5.Name your cover page such as Studentname­_coverpageonly.docx e.g. for John Smithfile name would be John Smith.coverpageonly.docx
6. Students must adhere to the word limit prescribed. We will check only first 2000 words in the assessment. If you need to use snapshots at all, do not go beyond 3 snapshots. We will not mark words in excess of 2000 or more than 3 snapshot in any case.
The penalty for late submissions: Late submissions are penalized at 5% per day. Further Instructions: Please read carefully
Normal rules of copying/plagiarism will apply – that is, the individual assignments must not contain other students’ contributions or work, not even former group members’ work. You are required to submit an electronic copy of this assignment. Assignments will be marked online and feedback will be provided through Moodle site.
Plan and delegation of the work: As a group assignment, please plan and delegate the work in the beginning. You must discuss how you plan to approach and complete your assignment, milestones, timeframes for achieving the milestones etc. Do not postpone the work until the last week. Please bring any disputes to the attention of course coordinator ASAP. You must keep copies/proofs of your work to resolve any future conflicts.
All the very best to you for timely completion of assignment item.

