In This Assessment You Will Apply The Concepts You Have Learnt To Critically Assess 2840285

In this assessment you will apply the concepts you have learnt, to critically assess the published economic evaluation listed below (the link to access the article is provided after the reference).

  • Luce, B.R. et al. Cost-effectiveness of live attenuated influenza vaccine versus inactivated influenza vaccine among children aged 24-59 months in the United States. Vaccine 2008;26 (23): 2841-2848.

To do this you will address a number of questions applying a checklist, which will be outlined during the course and is available on page 42-43 in the textbook. You will note that there are 10 main questions and a number of sub-questions in the Drummond et al. textbook. You have two options you can either write the assignment divided into these 10 sections or write the assignment divided into 8 sections. In this second approach you will combining points 4/5/6 under the same section. You still need to consider all the issues under each of these questions but by combining them it may reduce uncertainty about what to discuss where. Please title the combined point “Were all relevant costs and health outcomes considered appropriately in the analysis?”

You should state YES/NO/CAN’T TELL for each of the sections but as there is sometimes ambiguity around what is the correct response in general marks are allocated for what is written under each section not the YES/NO/CAN’T TELL response.

It is advisable that before beginning the assignment you read the following detailed practical example of a critical review of an article using the checklist which is found in Drummond et al. pp 41-76. Required textbook.


There is no specific style required but it must be consistent and follow the general advice from the School. Please do not use footnotes. In terms of numbers of references, you should reference but also go beyond the article itself and Drummond et al. but I am not expecting over 20 references in total. In terms of other references, you could (for example) find, read and reference some of the sources used to establish key inputs in the study (i.e. those it references). I do not expect you to read every study it uses to inform each parameter but sources for inputs critical to the results should generally be discussed and referenced. The reference list does not count towards the word limit. You should not use lectures as a reference in the assignment.