In This Assignment You Will Explore Database Design Using Er To Achieve A Better Und 687863

In this assignment you will explore database design using ER to achieve a better understanding of conceptual schema design, as well as address key issues in conceptual modeling.
A property management company has approached you to build a system that will help it keep
track of its properties, tenants, and employees. Consider the following requirements and design a database conceptual schema to support such an application. (for problems 1 and 2 below):
The property management company owns several buildings, each at a distinct address. Each of the buildings contains several apartments. All apartments in a given building are assigned an apartment number that is unique within that building (but not necessarily across different buildings). The system should keep track of the number of bedrooms and number of bathrooms that each apartment has.
The system also needs to handle different kinds of people. A person is identified by a unique SSN, and has a name consisting their first name and last name. Each person may have several phone numbers. People handled by the application fall into two disjoint categories: tenants and employees.
For each tenant, it is necessary to record their bank account number for the purposes of deducting their rent. The application also needs to store the name and phone number of their next-of-kin for contact purposes in case of an emergency.