Leadership And Management 2844017

  • There are 2 tasks for this unit. All of these assessment tasks are contained in this document.
  • These tasks make up 100% of the assessment for these units.

You must achieve a satisfactory grade in each task to achieve a result of competent for the units.

Document Preview:

ASSESSMENT BSB Unit Name STUDENT NAMELica AndreiTRAINING PACKAGEBSBNATIONAL COURSE CODEBSB42015NATIONAL COURSE NAMECertificate IV Leadership and ManagementNATIONAL UNIT CODE/SBSBINN301NATIONAL UNIT NAME/SPromote innovation in a team environmentASSESSMENT DETAILSTask 1 Question BankTask 2Workplace activity There are 2 tasks for this unit. All of these assessment tasks are contained in this document. These tasks make up 100% of the assessment for these units. You must achieve a satisfactory grade in each task to achieve a result of competent for the units.DUE DATE:24.10.2018 STUDENT DECLARATION I declare this assessment task to be solely my own work or, I have acknowledged within my assessment if this work was completed with a peer I have notified the trainer/assessor of any special needs or requirements I have in relation to the assessment I understand that my assessment will not be returned to me and I have kept a copy of my own work I have read and understood the Assessment Policy provided in Every Student’s Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW. HYPERLINK “https://www.tafewestern.edu.au/files/dmfile/everystudentsguidetoassessment.pdf” https://www.tafewestern.edu.au/files/dmfile/everystudentsguidetoassessment.pdf  STUDENT nameSTUDENT SIGNATUREDATELICA ANDREILICA ANDREI24.10.2018 RTO DECLARATION I declare that any workplace information contained in this assessment will remain confidential within TAFE NSW. trainer/Assessor name TRAINER/ASSESSOR SIGNATURE DATE ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS This assessment is to determine your competency in relation to the unit. The tasks require you to complete a: Question bank Practical workplace task Should you have any concerns about this assessment, please contact your trainer/assessor before beginning the task/s. You should submit all tasks for this assessment together. When you are ready to submit your assessment for marking: Write your name on the top of each page….

