Literature Review Matrix 19371573

Using the five articles listed below complete the the attached Lit Matrix. 

Please see attachment for document.


Wills, T.   A., Knight, R., Williams, R. J., Pagano, I., & Sargent, J. D. (2015).   Risk factors for exclusive e-cigarette use and dual e-cigarette use and   tobacco use in adolescents. Pediatrics, 135(1), e43-e51.

Rooke, C.,   Cunningham-Burley, S., & Amos, A. (2016). Smokers’ and ex-smokers’   understanding of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study. Tobacco   control, 25(e1), e60-e66.

Hiscock,   R., Bauld, L., Amos, A., & Platt, S. (2012). Smoking and socioeconomic   status in England: the rise of the never smoker and the disadvantaged   smoker. Journal of Public Health, 34(3) 390-396.

Khuder, S., Price, J.,   Jordan, T., Khuder, S., & Silvestri, K. (2008). Cigarette smoking among   adolescents in Northwest Ohio: correlates of prevalence and age at   onset. International journal of environmental research and public   health, 5(4), 278-289.

Hossain, A., Hossain,   Q. Z., & Rahman, F. (2015). Factors influencing teenager to initiate   smoking in South-west Bangladesh. Universal Journal of Public Health, 3(6),   241-250.