Marketing Design And Innovation Module I Welcome You To London School Of Marketing A 2942359

I am Nayani Perera and I am pleased to inform you that I have been allocated as your personal online tutor for the “Marketing Design and Innovation” module. I welcome you to London School of Marketing, and wish you all the very best with your studies. On a more personal level, I wish to assure you that I am here to support you complete the required work for this program. First of all, it is important that you get yourself accustomed with the Learning Portal because it provides learning resources that are directly relevant to your studies. After you have logged in, please go through the following areas carefully as each section contains important information that would be very useful to you when completing the assignment. 1. ‘Module Description’ – All relevant information related to the module (Outcomes, Key Skills, Key Challenges and Module Specification). 2. ‘Module Lessons’ – All module resources will be available to you to study at your convenience (Study Materials, Activities, and References). 3. Assessment’ – To complete this module, you are required to complete the assignment that contains two tasks. The assignment question is available in the page 9 of the Module Guide which published in learning portal. Please go through the assignment question thoroughly and start structuring the answer. Step by step guidance to complete your assignment is provided by “Practice with Workshop Manual” which is available in the same place. You may refer this document as a supporting tool to prepare your assignment answer. Document Preview:

Order NoEHUK5393Word3000Deadline2015-04-03Allocation Date2015-04-24 14:23:30Order TypeAssignmentAcademic LevelMasterSubjectBusinessOrder DeliveryTopic marketing design and innovation Additional Requirement kulvinder 2 assignment

