Matlab 517836


1) Convert the matlab code Fig.20 (Page 12 of attached file) into java function.

2) convert matlab function(imread) into java function.

3) Takes in a fringe pattern (noisy) as a jpg, convert it into matrix and process it using the java code in (1)

4) output the product into a jpg file (clean)

It is a web-based processing GUI that give the user the option to use one of the two method that is specified; WFF or WFR. Once user input the image file, using the java functionality change the input image into matrix (matlab:imread). the result is then processed using the wft2 function and converted back into jpg

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ARTICLE IN PRESSOptics and Lasers in Engineering 45 (2007) 304–317Two-dimensional windowed Fourier transform for fringe patternanalysis: Principles, applications and implementationsQian KemaoSchool of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, SingaporeAbstractFringe patterns from optical metrology systems need to be demodulated to get the desired parameters. Two-dimensional windowedFourier transform is chosen for the determination of phase and phase derivatives. Two algorithms, one based on ?ltering and the otherbased on similarity measure, are developed. Some applications based on these two algorithms are explored, including straindetermination, phase unwrapping, phase-shifter calibration, fault detection, edge detection and fringe segmentation. Various examplesaregiventodemonstratetheideas.Finallyimplementationsofthesealgorithmsareaddressed.Mostoftheworkhasappearedinvariouspapers and its originality is not claimed. Instead, this paper gives an overview and more insights of our work on windowed Fouriertransform.r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords:WindowedFouriertransform;Fringedemodulation; Opticalmetrology; Noisereduction;Strain;Phaseunwrapping;Phase-shifter calibration;Fault detection; Edge detection; Fringe segmentation1. Introduction process the fringe patterns locally, or block by block. Asmoothing ?lter is a typical local processor [7]. It assumesInopticalmetrology,theoutputisusuallyintheformof that the intensity values in a small block around each pixela fringe pattern, which should be further analyzed [1–4]. ðu; vÞ are the same and hence the average value of thatFor example, phase retrieval from fringe patterns is often blockistakenasthevalueofpixelðu; vÞ.Obviouslyitisnotrequired.Twotraditionaltechniquesforphaseretrievalare reasonable for a fringe pattern since its intensity undulatesphase-shifting technique [1,5] and carrier technique with as a cosine function (see next paragraph)….

