Compose A 1000 Words Essay On On Bipolar Disorder Needs To Be Plagiarism Free Do

Compose a 1000 words essay on On Bipolar Disorder. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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There have been several studies to determine the causes of bipolar disorder and the psychological condition based on the neurobiology of the brain. Bipolar disorder is categorized by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, also known as DSM-IV, as a mood disorder that is recurring (Martinowech, et al., 2009). Since this disorder is categorized as a combination of mania and depression and the constant change of the up and down behavior, these two behaviors can be further described. According to literature, the mood of mania includes “extremely elevated mood, energy, unusual thought patterns, and sometimes psychosis,” (Martinowech, et al., 2009). Mania can also be observed when a patient shows heightened hyperactivity characteristics, including insomnia, aggression, irritability and an increase in alertness and awareness, Bipolar disorder can be difficult to distinguish from other mood altering conditions such as schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and several others. Many of the criteria to classify a disorder as bipolar overlaps with additional conditions because of the impulsiveness of the symptoms. It is estimated that approximately anywhere from two percent to five percent of the general population have bipolar disorder, many of which still have not been diagnosed. (Goodman, Jeong, &amp. Triebwasser, 2009). Studies show that approximately 50 percent of people that have bipolar disorder also exhibit aggressive and violent behaviors (Galynker &amp. Lee, 2010). Examples of Bipolar Disorder in The roommate There were several examples similar to that of bipolar disorder in the motion picture, The roommate (2011). A brief synopsis of the thriller, The roommate is that two college age girls, Sarah and Rebecca, who have never met are paired together to live as roommates in a dormitory. Rebecca often exhibits severe mood changes and obsession toward her roommate Sarah and goes out of her way to often manipulate Sarah’s life in ways that Rebecca thinks is helping Sarah. Upon initial meeting in the dormitory between Sarah and Rebecca, Rebecca is very friendly and shows extreme happiness in situations when Sarah is spending time with her such as when they visited an art gallery, went to lunch and went to Rebecca’s parents’ house for Thanksgiving. When Sarah is out, Rebecca sits up and waits for her and gets overly angry if Sarah does not call to check in with her. She also snoops through Sarah’s things to discover that she had a sister that had died and puts on a necklace that was her sister’s. However, her demeanor changes when Rebecca discusses her own family and exhibits strange jealous behaviors when meeting Sarah’s friends or when she discovers that she has made other plans with her boyfriend, Stephen or her friend, Traci. Jason, the ex, calls and Rebecca pretends to be Sarah and proceeds to have phone sex with him to pleasure herself and then sternly tells him, “Don’t ever call me again.” Sarah rescues a cat at one point and Rebecca is elated about it until she discovers that since they cannot keep it in the dorm room, she may move to her fashion designer friend, Irene’s house, in order to keep the cat.